20 incidents that would lead China to fall before 2027.
20 incidents that would lead China to fall before 2027.
Who in the world would believe that the superpower Soviet Union would fall under its own weight in 1991, and would be made many countries divided? This can also happen with China and this is the only way to defeat China if we don't want a Third World War. By referring to history we can see that America takes revenge when anything hurts its national integration and privilege to citizens.
Japan attacked at Pearl Harbor in 1941 and killed 2500 citizens of America. To take revenge America killed more than 225000 Japanese.
America took revenge for 2977 lives taken by terrorist attack in 2001, killing Laden in Pakistan in 2011. America can remove Saddam from power and kill him. Even the Sulemani and Baghdadi were not saved from America. This is a report of how you killed American citizens.
Now it’s near to 100000 citizens dying because of corona. In front of the world this is a big loss to national integration of America. America thinks that corona is made by China intentionally to destroy the world's economy and rule over the world without starting a third world war. Many diplomatic experts around the world are now thinking about a theory that China will fall under its own weight of communism.
America and friend nations will take the revenge of deaths of citizens. China will bend as the way the nations want, now is being forecasted. Even if China refuses the Wuhan Lab incident then also America would claim this. China is not too weak, that the world would shape it as they want. This can also lead to world war 3.
1) Many nations of the world would stop doing business with China. About 100 Companies had left China. They are looking for land in countries like India, Bangladesh, Taiwan, South Korea, Vietnam and Malaysia are going to take benefit of this. It is also possible that many companies would carry out business and production in their own country as after the corona the labor would be available at a cheaper rate.
2) If any company has greed for low labor cost, remains in China or joins China it would be looked as a company for humanity criminals and would be seen as a company for profit before humanity.
3) America and friend nations would form a organization without adding china and would make such a system that would be a plus point for friend nations and minus point for china
4) Under the leadership of America, the various countries and continents would come together. China would only have friends like Pakistan and North Korea.
5) China would now start pressurizing the South China Sea and start positioning the war ships. China would lay pressure on the countries who come in the way of One Belt, One Road initiative. World is under the threat of Corona and thousands of people have died around the world. China is illegally capturing the islands that do not belong to him but the south east countries such as Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, and many more. Warships are now also placed by America to oppose china. Australia and New Zealand also fear China for water territory and they would automatically join America’s side.
6) China would now understand that more than 70% of countries are now on America's side. It would pressure upon small countries to carry out trade with.
7) Countries with America's side will be more than 125. They would on the water, land, and air would showcase their powers.
8) America would now be capable of proving that China had spreaded Corona from Wuhan’s Lab. The nations would now stop believing China. WHO would protect china. And China would say that corona had been spreaded naturally from Wuhan's fish market. WHO would say that China had informed the world beforehand.
9) The world would now not believe WHO and its work. They would stop funding. China and WHO would be together. China would fund the WHO.
10) China now seeing the power of the world on three levels of the western countries, now would complain in UNO. And the countries would pressurize China on three levels.
11) Chinese social media and news agencies would show that China is equipped with world destroying missiles. High tech weapons and army. China would claim that they have weapons that can clear half america in half an hour. Chinese nuclear submarines would start patrolling in the south china sea and other oceans.
12) After seeing this the countries would completely stop business with China and a boycott of Chinese trade would be issued.
13) The Chinese economic growth rate that was in two digits will now fall or will be in negative digits. Without the war the world would trap Chinese Economy. The world would defeat China economically. This would be diplomacy.
14) Now the unemployment will increase in china. Also the chinese citizens were feeling depressed, freedomless and embarrassed under the Communist Government of Xi Jinping. They do not like the world thinking about China as Chinese Dictators who are massive killers of humanity. America and nations would message the citizens that they respect their work and their capacity. They have only a problem with the killer of democracy, the Communist Government (They have not forgotten the Tiananmen Square Massacre).
15) Small Chinese towns and cities will now fire the opposition for unemployed citizens against the government. The western media would fuel the fire. There would be starting of the historical Revolution that would kill thousands to replace the Communist Government and Dictators. The Government would stop the movement by violence. The mass killings would vibrate the world and the UN Rights department would send a delegation to China.
16) America and friend nations would be on alert at China’s borders. The nations would pressurize North Korea to join South Korea and accept the importance of democracy. China would shake by seeing this.
17) Millions of citizens would attack with weapons on Communist headquarters. To protect themselves the top level leaders would safeguard themselves in underground, South America and African Countries and islands. Chinese People's Liberation Army would blow anger against the government supporting the citizens. They would supply weapons to citizens.
18) America and friendly nations would make a team of judges from 42 countries name it as 'Beijing Human Rights Tribunal'. Just like after the defeat in World War 2 the trial was carried out after the defeat of German Nazi Army and just like that against the Chinese Officers the trial would be started.
19) Citizens want two nations, East and West China, with democratic powers. The United Nations makes two parts of China and elects short term random leaders for both countries. After two years the elections would start.
20) East and West China forms and they join the UN. The Chinese citizens are now happy. They are for the first time having freedom from dictators.
Tibet also becomes Independent. The Dalai Lama and cooperatives will thank India for refugee. They're also happy.
This is only a forecast but the Chinese citizens are very angry from inside and are capable of doing a historical revolution. Chinese dictator and Communist government will not let this happen by using arms and ammunition. This can also lead to World War 3.
Corona would change the world economically, socially, and geographically and could create or deplete the design of diplomacy for the countries.
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